If you didn’t enjoy Comiket’s earlier erotically strange display of weirdo male otaku cosplayers, perhaps this delicious serving of Comiket cosplaying eye-candy will be more on par with your tastes.
This savory style of cosplayer comes sporting a vast variety of mini-skirts, gym uniforms, cropped tops, and an assortment of other rather skimpy clothing – alongside a contrasting collective of not nearly as visually rewarding Celty-san outfits from Durarara and mahou shoujos.
There’s of course also the usual ever-expected Vocaloid cosplayers with a rather sexy Hatsune Miku in what is presumably a bikini – proper terms for the outfit aside, it’s quite as enticing as it is revealing nonetheless.
Several cosplayers don’t appear to be in the highest of spirits, or possibly tired from all the activity, as it is difficult not to notice the worn expressions on a few of their faces with an overall enthusiasm lacking outlook – although it is possible that’s part of the act. Yet it remains a bit bothersome to see some images in which a girl portrays a fatigued face on top of a heavy mask of make-up.
In either case, the most unappealing of them all has to be the Madoka cosplay as there is simply far too much of it. The over 9000 different mahou shoujo cosplayers don’t come off as striking or stunning in the least for the most part – particularly because that character is overused, not because of their skill, which is quite a shame to see wasted.
The definite sexiest of them all is the previously mentioned and above visible Hatsune Miku – leaving us with a painful impression of a tasty piece unfortunately wrapped and sealed in clothing.
Article : SeventhStyle.com